1935 in Mlynov



A 1935 home movie taken in Mlynov, Poland. Courtesy of the Hirsch family.
Produced by Rich Polt with Howard Schwartz. Photo courtesy of Miriam Aharoni.


We are incredibly lucky to have this artefact: a home movie taken in Mlynov in 1935 during a visit of Abraham "A. D." Hirsch, his wife Ellen, and daughter Ruth.

A. D. had left Mlynov in 1907 at the age of 16 to follow two of his brothers to New York, where they first settled in the Lower East Side of Manhattan before moving uptown to East Harlem. They were there only a few years before purchasing a laundry business in Jersey City where they moved in 1911 across the river from Manhattan. There the Hirsch family capitalized on a new technique called "wet-wash laundry" which was taking the industry by storm and which enabled the Hirschs to grow a prosperous laundry business. Over time, they would eventually employ hundreds of people and become significant philanthropists in Jersey City, contributing to many of the early Jewish communal institutions that were emerging.

In 1935, A. D. and his family went back to Mlynov, stopping first in Warsaw, and afterwards going on to Mandate Palestine to visit cousins who had made aliyah. Sometime after the movie was a made a voiceover was produced by one of those cousins, a woman by the name of Luba (Goldenberg) Kravitz, in which she identifies people she recognizes in the movie. If you listen carefully you can hear her say "there is A.D. Hirsch and Ellen and Ruth."


Compiled by Howard I. Schwartz
Updated:March 2021
Copyright © 2019 Howard I. Schwartz

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